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Getting the balance right on mental health

As more businesses make improvements designed to protect the…

3rd July 2024

39 Club / FIDI Conference / international business / Mental health

Elevating expertise with mentorship

The FIDI 39 Club’s Mentorship Programme was set up…

21st February 2024

Employment / Training / younger movers

Kop khun khap, Thailand (thank you, Thailand)

The FIDI 39 Club held its conference side by…

20th June 2023

39 Club / FIDI / FIDI Conference

What tomorrow will bring

As FIDI Focus publishes its third State of the…

24th April 2023

#SustainableMoves / 39 Club / State of the Industry report

Forging a new generation of leaders through mentorship

Jackie Stouffer, Vice-President of FIDI’s 39 Club, introduces a…

9th December 2022

39 Club / Employment / Training

Big plans for 39 club’s future

Following the development of a five-year plan at the…

8th November 2022

39 Club / Education / Environment / Recruitment / Sustainability / Training

Taking on sustainability together – the future is green

An update on FIDI 39 Club’s Global Green Initiative,…

15th July 2022

39 Club / Environment / Sustainability

FIDI 39 Club – Looking to the future

With technology playing an ever more central role in…

15th July 2022

39 Club / Environment / Sustainability / Technology

Mentoring – a helping hand

As part of FIDI 39 Club’s action on sustainability,…

31st March 2022

39 Club / FIDI / Sustainability / Training

39 club rebuild is taking shape

As 2021 drew to a close, the FIDI 39…

17th December 2021

39 Club / FIDI Conference / Sustainability

Dear FIDI 39 Club…

As election time arrives once again for FIDI’s 39…

20th September 2021

39 Club / Diversity and inclusion / Sustainability

Healing with Feeling continues to support students

25th March 2021

Gender equality: the future of moving for women

Without doubt, there has been significant progress toward gender…

2nd October 2020

‘we have the future in our hands’

28th November 2019

FIDI heal with a meal day

28th November 2019

Change a little, live a lot

“The three clubs represent the younger generation in our…

28th September 2019

Healing with Feeling

28th September 2019

Fred Bear returns after years on the road

Our popular 35 Club mascot arrives back at base,…

25th July 2019

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