
Fink sets scene for international theatre event

Fink Mobility was again selected to support Brazil’s contribution to the Prague Quadrennial 2023, the world’s largest showcase of theatrical scenography.

The two-week event takes place every four years in Prague, the Czech Republic, and sees artists, designers, and professionals celebrate and explore innovations and trends in scenic design, with a competitive exhibition, installations, lectures, debates, workshops, and presentations.

Brazil has a long-standing connection with the Prague Quadrennials, since its inception in 1967, which involved Czech scenographers Vychodil and Svoboda, who won several prizes in the Biennial of Theatrical Plastic Arts in Brazil. The country has had a near-constant presence at the event, with Brazilian representatives winning the highest award, the Golden Triga, in 1995 and 2011.

The Brazilian government offers financial and logistics support to Brazilian contributors to the event, including the transportation of scenery, costumes, and necessary materials for exhibitions and performances.

Renata Vinhas, General Manager of the Fink division of fine arts, fairs, and events, said: ‘It’s a great joy to be able to participate in this very important event for scenic arts, to which Fink has, for decades, dedicated all its expertise in the logistics for this special and unique cargo, so they can be appreciated by thousands of people every four years.’

For this year’s event, Fink created bespoke boxes for the transportation of more delicate pieces, and lift vans for structural pieces such as the scenography-inspired roof structure for the student exhibition and the exhibition of countries and regions.

You can see more on Fink’s involvement in the Prague Quadrennial 2023 here.

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