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CONTENTS IS S UE 3 0 7 S EPTEMBER-NOV EMBER 2 0 2 2 36 NE W S R EGIONA L FEATURES 10-1 7 NEW S Including: FIDI joins pan-industry call for EC action on shipping operations; SIRVA and BGRS complete merger; Shyft Moving changes leadership; phishing warning 46- 52 R E GION A L FOC US Andrew Mourant finds a mixture of caution and optimism in Australia and New Zealand S P E C I A L FE ATUR ES 54 20-2 5 M E R G E RS A N D AC Q U I S I T I O N S Andrew Bennett on what a wave of mergers and acquisitions might mean for FIDI Affiliates 26-3 1 GEND ER PA R I TY R E P O RT FIDIs Communications Manager, Magali Horbert, looks at how businesses can tackle the global pay gap between men and women FI DI BUS INES S F IDI AC A DE M Y Chantel Fera explains the format and importance of the new online sustainability programme 58- 59 C ON TA IN E R C L E A N L IN E SS New shipping container cleanliness regulations could be introduced with significant implications 62 FF307 September-November 22 pp06-07 Contents.indd 6 69-71 39 CLUB Jackie Stouffer on the clubs priorities and three of its major projects 72 V IK IN G SH IPPING S ERVICES Islamabad-based new Affiliate wants to bolster its position in the region 74 A F F IL IATE D BR ANCHES Lydia Cope on affiliating branch offices to FIDI; and Abhilash Nair of ISS Relocations on adding his Abu Dhabi office REGULA RS 36- 4 1 GLO BA L D I V E RSI TY The challenges companies face and the benefits of improving their DEI credentials 6 65-67 F IDI ASSOC IATIONS We meet incoming presidents from two regional associations C OUN TRY C OM PA R ISON In this new regular feature, we look at 32-3 5 D I V ERS E P E RSP E CTI V E S Three leaders of family businesses discuss gender equality in the modern moving industry 42- 4 5 T HE I NT ERV I E W FINK Mobilitys Thomas Klien and CEO Laura Ganon, about the legacy of one of its founders, Edith Klien key indicators affecting the mobility business in four countries 26 18 AT A GL A N C E Workplace diversity around the world 77 PE OPL E M OV E S Including: Steven Brown; Namita Sharma; Roeland Delfgaauw; Keith Whelan; Leif-Erik Johansson; Kinga Motyka 78 OBITUA R IE S Sabine Hartmann; S Ramachandran; Brian Carroll; Rick Curry; Marit B Strand WW W. F I D I FOC U S . OR G 05/09/2022 16:19