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S P E C I A L F E ATURE DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES Notions of diversity and inclusion vary widely across the globe and the approach to making progress within moving businesses must take account of this. In this three-part feature, FIDI Focus hears first-hand experiences of just one of the various forms of discrimination; about global and local challenges and benefits of improving a companys DEI, and the role of certification and mindset change in doing this BIAS AND PREJUDICE SOME EXPERIENCES We spoke to three non-white members of the FIDI community, about their experience of discrimination or bias within the moving industry and the wider world. We have changed their names for this feature. At a European university, Kaya, from Africa, says she experienced prejudice against students from the continent. I remember a group assignment with four classmates, who didnt invite me to certain meetings because they didnt want my opinions and contributions. She says she understands the foundation of these biases as there is still a large African population that dont have access 36 FF307 September-November 22 pp36-41 Special feature_global view of diversity.indd 36 to education, especially young girls. I strongly believe I was racially profiled by law enforcement in the last quarter of 2021 while crossing the border from one EU country to another, says Daniel. One of the people I was with expressed to the officers that they were acting in an inappropriate and racist manner. Jude, meanwhile, adds he has noticed a reproduction of global power dynamics since joining the moving industry. Generally, people of the global north and generally white hold more power, are more visible WW W. F I D I FOC U S . OR G 06/09/2022 07:33