Technology and innovation

FIDI launches Technology and Innovation Committee

With the pandemic accelerating the trend for movers to seek technological solutions, FIDI has launched an initiative to ensure its Affiliates can keep up to speed with the latest developments and the efficiencies they offer their companies. FIDI Board member Dale Collins reports

I have yet to see cyborgs or robots in the home of a transferee performing the delicate work of packing fine china or manoeuvering a large mattress down a tight staircase. It is possible that we are not too far away from this kind of fantastic technology that will execute such a level of customer service for our clients. However, until then, when it comes to technological innovation, we will remain focused on the information systems side of things, which help drive the administrative end of our business forward. For this reason, I am pleased to announce the formation of the FIDI Technology and Innovation Committee (FTIC).

In the current environment, technology has become more important than ever. We are implementing technological solutions for customers in more effective and innovative ways, which has been driven mainly by necessity. We know that many, if not most, of those new ideas and methods are here to stay and the next logical phase is to evaluate, adapt and adopt the new technology to meet our customers’ demands. 

The FTIC was created to support FIDI Affiliates by providing information about technology-based developments within our industry and in related industries that could have significant impacts on the international moving and mobility space. It is committed to helping FIDI Affiliates make the best choices for their own tech solutions and to leverage, wherever possible, best practices and the latest discoveries and innovations that arrive on the market. Whether that is enhanced mobile devices, or the use of blockchain technology, the FTIC will evaluate, inform and encourage the most effective use of technology in the mobility industry. 

The FTIC will act as the official FIDI representative to the Moving and Mobility Standards Alliance (MMSA). This alliance between our industry associations has been created to drive standardised formatting and procedures in terms of information sharing and processing in mobility. 

The FTIC will be looking to add members to the committee. If an Affiliate wants to nominate someone to serve on the committee, please contact the FIDI office for further information.

So, we will be taking every opportunity to simplify and drive out inefficiencies across networks and trading systems – but we will never forget what international moving remains at its very core: a personal, human experience that has a face, a soul and a purpose. FIDI Affiliates understand this human element, and while we may wait a little longer for the robot packers, nothing can match a friendly smile, a cordial greeting and a caring voice, wrapped in service excellence and delivered and communicated through the most technologically advanced means available.

Committee members:

  • Dale Collins, FIDI Board member
  • Alvaro Stein, Decapack
  • Dan Lawrence, Suddath
  • Jerry Nazzal, Express International
  • Wiebe van Bockel, Voerman International
  • Magali Horbert, FIDI office

If you would like to get involved, please contact Magali Horbert at

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